I Want to Build!
If you want to volunteer at the build site, please read the Safety Guidelines below. You will need to fill out the liability waiver prior to working on the site. You can print it here and bring it with you to the build site.
Volunteers under the age of 16 are not permitted on build sites. However, if you are under the age of 16, you can volunteer in other ways! Take a look at our volunteer page to see more.
We welcome everyone to the build site, regardless of construction knowledge. If you have never used a hammer or paintbrush you are still welcome! We will be happy to teach you how to do the many tasks it takes to build a house.
Be sure to wear proper attire for a building site–this isn’t the place to wear your Sunday best.
With some experience, you may want to invest in your own tools. Many of our volunteers bring with them.
Current Build Sites
If you have any interest in volunteering, please contact us! There is always work to be done both at the site and behind the scenes; we could always use another pair of hands! And we have experts on hand to guide you if you have any questions.
Call the office at 575-397-4398 to get involved,
get directions, and come help!
This season we aim to build six homes for Habitat families. If you are interested in volunteering your time and would like to join us, follow the map to our build sites. Keeping in mind we are working on multiple sites, we do recommend you call the office to verify a worksite prior to you joining us.
Build Site Safety Guidelines
For directions to our current build site, please contact us.
All volunteers must sign a release form.
No one under the age of 16 permitted on site without parental or sponsor supervision.
Hard hats must be worn when required by supervisor.
Shoes should have rubber soles and be sturdy. No sandals, please!
No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the job site.
Be considerate – no verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated.
Report all injuries to construction supervisor and make sure an accident form is filled out. Know where the first-aid kit is located and how to get emergency help.
If you are uncertain about how to do a task, or how to operate a power tool, ask a supervisor. That’s the reason they’re there!
Think before you act! This is the best way to prevent accidents.